通常であれば特に気にしなくても良いかもしれませんが、出力されるコードの<:img>タグに[class=”mt-image-none”]や画像配置の選択によって[class=”mt-image-left” style=”float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0;”]などが入ります。
STEP1 画像挿入時に処理されるコアファイルを開く
# Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2016 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id$ package MT::Asset::Image; use strict; use base qw( MT::Asset ); use MT; use MT::Blog; use MT::Website; use POSIX qw( floor ); __PACKAGE__->install_properties( { class_type => 'image', column_defs => { 'image_width' => 'integer meta', 'image_height' => 'integer meta', 'image_metadata' => 'blob meta', }, child_of => [ 'MT::Blog', 'MT::Website', ], } ); # List of supported file extensions (to aid the stock 'can_handle' method.) sub extensions { my $pkg = shift; return $pkg->SUPER::extensions( [ qr/gif/i, qr/jpe?g/i, qr/png/i, qr/bmp/i, qr/tiff?/i, qr/ico/i ] ); } sub save { my $asset = shift; if ( $asset->has_metadata && $asset->exif ) { my $info = $asset->exif->GetInfo; # TODO: An error occurs when uploading image having ThumbnailImage tag on Azure. delete $info->{ThumbnailImage}; $asset->image_metadata($info); } else { $asset->image_metadata(undef); } $asset->SUPER::save(@_); } sub class_label { MT->translate('Image'); } sub class_label_plural { MT->translate('Images'); } sub metadata { my $obj = shift; my $meta = $obj->SUPER::metadata(@_); my $width = $obj->image_width; my $height = $obj->image_height; $meta->{image_width} = $width if defined $width; $meta->{image_height} = $height if defined $height; $meta->{image_dimensions} = $meta->{ MT->translate("Actual Dimensions") } = MT->translate( "[_1] x [_2] pixels", $width, $height ) if defined $width && defined $height; $meta; } sub image_height { my $asset = shift; my $height = $asset->meta( 'image_height', @_ ); return $height if $height || @_; eval { require Image::Size; }; return undef if $@; if ( !-e $asset->file_path || !-r $asset->file_path ) { return undef; } my ( $w, $h, $id ) = Image::Size::imgsize( $asset->file_path ); $asset->meta( 'image_height', $h ); if ( $asset->id ) { $asset->save; } return $h; } sub image_width { my $asset = shift; my $width = $asset->meta( 'image_width', @_ ); return $width if $width || @_; eval { require Image::Size; }; return undef if $@; if ( !-e $asset->file_path || !-r $asset->file_path ) { return undef; } my ( $w, $h, $id ) = Image::Size::imgsize( $asset->file_path ); $asset->meta( 'image_width', $w ); if ( $asset->id ) { $asset->save; } return $w; } sub has_thumbnail { my $asset = shift; require MT::Image; my $image = MT::Image->new( ( ref $asset ? ( Filename => $asset->file_path ) : () ) ); $image ? 1 : 0; } sub thumbnail_path { my $asset = shift; my (%param) = @_; $asset->_make_cache_path( $param{Path} ); } sub thumbnail_file { my $asset = shift; my (%param) = @_; my $fmgr; my $blog = $param{Blog} || $asset->blog; require MT::FileMgr; $fmgr ||= $blog ? $blog->file_mgr : MT::FileMgr->new('Local'); return undef unless $fmgr; my $file_path = $asset->file_path; return undef unless $fmgr->file_size($file_path); require MT::Util; my $asset_cache_path = $asset->_make_cache_path( $param{Path} ); my ( $i_h, $i_w ) = ( $asset->image_height, $asset->image_width ); return undef unless $i_h && $i_w; # Pretend the image is already square, for calculation purposes. my $auto_size = 1; if ( $param{Square} ) { require MT::Image; my %square = MT::Image->inscribe_square( Width => $i_w, Height => $i_h ); ( $i_h, $i_w ) = @square{qw( Size Size )}; if ( $param{Width} && !$param{Height} ) { $param{Height} = $param{Width}; } elsif ( !$param{Width} && $param{Height} ) { $param{Width} = $param{Height}; } $auto_size = 0; } if ( my $scale = $param{Scale} ) { $param{Width} = int( ( $i_w * $scale ) / 100 ); $param{Height} = int( ( $i_h * $scale ) / 100 ); $auto_size = 0; } if ( !exists $param{Width} && !exists $param{Height} ) { $param{Width} = $i_w; $param{Height} = $i_h; $auto_size = 0; } # find the longest dimension of the image: my ( $n_h, $n_w, $scaled ) = _get_dimension( $i_h, $i_w, $param{Height}, $param{Width} ); if ( $auto_size && $scaled eq 'h' ) { delete $param{Width} if exists $param{Width}; } elsif ( $auto_size && $scaled eq 'w' ) { delete $param{Height} if exists $param{Height}; } my $file = $asset->thumbnail_filename(%param) or return; my $thumbnail = File::Spec->catfile( $asset_cache_path, $file ); # thumbnail file exists and is dated on or later than source image if ($fmgr->exists($thumbnail) && ( $fmgr->file_mod_time($thumbnail) >= $fmgr->file_mod_time($file_path) ) ) { my $already_exists = 1; if ( $asset->image_width != $asset->image_height ) { require MT::Image; my ( $t_w, $t_h ) = MT::Image->get_image_info( Filename => $thumbnail ); if ( ( $param{Square} && $t_h != $t_w ) || ( !$param{Square} && $t_h == $t_w ) ) { $already_exists = 0; } } return ( $thumbnail, $n_w, $n_h ) if $already_exists; } # stale or non-existent thumbnail. let's create one! return undef unless $fmgr->can_write($asset_cache_path); my $data; if ( ( $n_w == $i_w ) && ( $n_h == $i_h ) && !$param{Square} && !$param{Type} ) { $data = $fmgr->get_data( $file_path, 'upload' ); } else { # create a thumbnail for this file require MT::Image; my $img = new MT::Image( Filename => $file_path ) or return $asset->error( MT::Image->errstr ); # Really make the image square, so our scale calculation works out. if ( $param{Square} ) { ($data) = $img->make_square() or return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Error cropping image: [_1]", $img->errstr ) ); } ($data) = $img->scale( Height => $n_h, Width => $n_w ) or return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Error scaling image: [_1]", $img->errstr ) ); if ( my $type = $param{Type} ) { ($data) = $img->convert( Type => $type ) or return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Error converting image: [_1]", $img->errstr ) ); } } $fmgr->put_data( $data, $thumbnail, 'upload' ) or return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Error creating thumbnail file: [_1]", $fmgr->errstr ) ); # Remove metadata from thumbnail file. require MT::Image; MT::Image->remove_metadata($thumbnail) or return $asset->error( MT::Image->errstr ); return ( $thumbnail, $n_w, $n_h ); } sub _get_dimension { my ( $i_h, $i_w, $h, $w ) = @_; my ( $n_h, $n_w ) = ( $i_h, $i_w ); my $scale = ''; if ( $h && !$w ) { $scale = 'h'; } elsif ( $w && !$h ) { $scale = 'w'; } else { if ( $i_h > $i_w ) { # scale, if necessary, by height if ( $i_h > $h ) { $scale = 'h'; } elsif ( $i_w > $w ) { $scale = 'w'; } } else { # scale, if necessary, by width if ( $i_w > $w ) { $scale = 'w'; } elsif ( $i_h > $h ) { $scale = 'h'; } } } if ( $scale eq 'h' ) { # scale by height $n_h = $h; $n_w = floor( ( $i_w * $h / $i_h ) + 0.5 ); } elsif ( $scale eq 'w' ) { # scale by width $n_w = $w; $n_h = floor( ( $i_h * $w / $i_w ) + 0.5 ); } $n_h = 1 unless $n_h; $n_w = 1 unless $n_w; return ( $n_h, $n_w, $scale ); } sub thumbnail_filename { my $asset = shift; my (%param) = @_; my $file = $asset->file_name or return; require MT::Util; my $format = $param{Format} || MT->translate('%f-thumb-%wx%h-%i%x'); my $width = $param{Width} || 'auto'; my $height = $param{Height} || 'auto'; $file =~ s/\.\w+$//; my $base = File::Basename::basename($file); my $id = $asset->id; my $ext = lc( $param{Type} || '' ) || $asset->file_ext || ''; $ext = '.' . $ext; $format =~ s/%w/$width/g; $format =~ s/%h/$height/g; $format =~ s/%f/$base/g; $format =~ s/%i/$id/g; $format =~ s/%x/$ext/g; return $format; } sub as_html { my $asset = shift; my ($param) = @_; my $text = ''; my $app = MT->instance; $param->{enclose} = 0 unless exists $param->{enclose}; if ( $param->{include} ) { my $fname = $asset->file_name; require MT::Util; my $thumb = undef; if ( $param->{thumb} ) { $thumb = MT::Asset->load( $param->{thumb_asset_id} ) || return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Cannot load image #[_1]", $param->{thumb_asset_id} ) ); } my $dimensions = sprintf( 'width="%s" height="%s"', ( $thumb ? ( $thumb->image_width, $thumb->image_height ) : ( $asset->image_width, $asset->image_height ) ) ); my $wrap_style = ''; if ( $param->{wrap_text} && $param->{align} ) { $wrap_style = 'class="mt-image-' . $param->{align} . '" '; if ( $param->{align} eq 'none' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style=""}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'left' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0;"}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'right' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="float: right; margin: 0 0 20px 20px;"}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'center' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;"}; } } if ( $param->{popup} && $param->{popup_asset_id} ) { my $popup = MT::Asset->load( $param->{popup_asset_id} ) || return $asset->error( MT->translate( "Cannot load image #[_1]", $param->{popup_asset_id} ) ); my $link = $thumb ? sprintf( '<img src="%s" %s alt="%s" %s />', MT::Util::encode_html( $thumb->url ), $dimensions, MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->label ), $wrap_style ) : MT->translate('View image'); $text = sprintf( q|<a href="%s" onclick="'%s','popup','width=%d,height=%d,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0'); return false">%s</a>|, MT::Util::encode_html( $popup->url ), MT::Util::encode_html( $popup->url ), $asset->image_width, $asset->image_height + 1, $link, ); } else { if ( $param->{thumb} ) { $text = sprintf( '<a href="%s"><img alt="%s" src="%s" %s %s /></a>', MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->url ), MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->label ), MT::Util::encode_html( $thumb->url ), $dimensions, $wrap_style, ); } else { $text = sprintf( '<img alt="%s" src="%s" %s %s />', MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->label ), MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->url ), $dimensions, $wrap_style, ); } } } else { require MT::Util; $text = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->url ), MT::Util::encode_html( $asset->display_name ) ); } return $param->{enclose} ? $asset->enclose($text) : $text; } # Return a HTML snippet of form options for inserting this asset # into a web page. Default behavior is no options. # DEPRECATED: v6.2 sub insert_options_compat { my $asset = shift; my ($param) = @_; my $app = MT->instance; my $perms = $app->{perms}; my $blog = $asset->blog or return; $param->{do_thumb} = $asset->has_thumbnail && $asset->can_create_thumbnail ? 1 : 0; $param->{can_save_image_defaults} = $perms->can_do('save_image_defaults') ? 1 : 0; #$param->{constrain} = $blog->image_default_constrain ? 1 : 0; $param->{popup} = $blog->image_default_popup ? 1 : 0; $param->{wrap_text} = $blog->image_default_wrap_text ? 1 : 0; $param->{make_thumb} = $blog->image_default_thumb ? 1 : 0; $param->{ 'align_' . $_ } = ( $blog->image_default_align || 'none' ) eq $_ ? 1 : 0 for qw(none left center right); $param->{ 'unit_w' . $_ } = ( $blog->image_default_wunits || 'pixels' ) eq $_ ? 1 : 0 for qw(percent pixels); $param->{thumb_width} = $blog->image_default_width || $asset->image_width || 0; return $app->build_page( 'dialog/asset_options_image.tmpl', $param ); } # Return a HTML snippet of form options for inserting this asset # into a web page. Default behavior is no options. sub insert_options { my $asset = shift; my ($param) = @_; # Backward compatibility return insert_options_compat( $asset, @_ ) if MT->config('EnableUploadCompat'); my $app = MT->instance; my $perms = $app->{perms}; my $blog = $asset->blog or return; $param->{do_thumb} = $asset->has_thumbnail && $asset->can_create_thumbnail ? 1 : 0; $param->{popup} = $blog->image_default_popup ? 1 : 0; $param->{wrap_text} = $blog->image_default_wrap_text ? 1 : 0; $param->{make_thumb} = $blog->image_default_thumb ? 1 : 0; $param->{ 'align_' . $_ } = ( $blog->image_default_align || 'none' ) eq $_ ? 1 : 0 for qw(none left center right); $param->{ 'unit_w' . $_ } = ( $blog->image_default_wunits || 'pixels' ) eq $_ ? 1 : 0 for qw(percent pixels); $param->{thumb_width} = $blog->image_default_width || $asset->image_width || 0; return $app->build_page( 'include/insert_options_image.tmpl', $param ); } sub on_upload { my $asset = shift; my ($param) = @_; $asset->SUPER::on_upload(@_); return unless $param->{new_entry}; my $app = MT->instance; require MT::Util; my $url = $asset->url; my $width = $asset->image_width; my $height = $asset->image_height; my ( $base_url, $fname ) = $url =~ m|(.*)/([^/]*)|; $url = $base_url . '/' . $fname; # no need to re-encode filename; url is already encoded my $blog = $asset->blog or return; my $blog_id = $blog->id; my ( $thumb, $thumb_width, $thumb_height ); $thumb_width = $param->{thumb_width}; $thumb = $param->{thumb}; if ($thumb) { if ( $thumb_width && ( $thumb_width !~ m/^\d+$/ ) ) { undef $thumb_width; } # width > 1000 not really a thumbnail, so consider invalid if ( $thumb_width > 1000 ) { undef $thumb_width; } } if ( $thumb && !$thumb_width ) { undef $thumb; } if ( $param->{image_defaults} ) { return $app->error( $app->translate( 'Permission denied setting image defaults for blog #[_1]', $blog_id ) ) unless $app->{perms}->can_do('save_image_defaults'); # Save new defaults if requested. $blog->image_default_wrap_text( $param->{wrap_text} ? 1 : 0 ); $blog->image_default_align( $param->{align} || MT::Blog::ALIGN() ); if ($thumb) { $blog->image_default_thumb(1); $blog->image_default_width($thumb_width); $blog->image_default_wunits( $param->{thumb_width_type} || MT::Blog::UNITS() ); } else { $blog->image_default_thumb(0); $blog->image_default_width(0); $blog->image_default_wunits( MT::Blog::UNITS() ); } #$blog->image_default_constrain($param->{constrain} ? 1 : 0); $blog->image_default_popup( $param->{popup} ? 1 : 0 ); $blog->save or die $blog->errstr; } my $fmgr = $blog->file_mgr; require MT::Util; # Thumbnail creation if ( $thumb = $param->{thumb} ) { require MT::Image; my $image_type = scalar $param->{image_type}; my ( $w, $h ) = map $param->{$_}, qw( thumb_width thumb_height ); if ( !$h ) { my $pct = $w / $width; $h = floor( ( $pct * $height ) + 0.5 ); } my ($pseudo_thumbnail_url) = $asset->thumbnail_url( Height => $h, Width => $w, Pseudo => 1 ); my ($thumbnail) = File::Basename::basename( $asset->thumbnail_file( Height => $h, Width => $w ) ); my $pseudo_thumbnail_path = File::Spec->catfile( $asset->_make_cache_path( undef, 1 ), $thumbnail ); my ( $base, $path, $ext ) = File::Basename::fileparse( $thumbnail, qr/[A-Za-z0-9]+$/ ); my $img_pkg = MT::Asset->handler_for_file($thumbnail); my $original; my $asset_thumb = $img_pkg->load( { file_name => "$base$ext", parent => $asset->id, } ); if ( !$asset_thumb ) { $asset_thumb = $img_pkg->new(); $original = $asset_thumb->clone; $asset_thumb->blog_id($blog_id); $asset_thumb->url($pseudo_thumbnail_url); $asset_thumb->file_path($pseudo_thumbnail_path); $asset_thumb->file_name("$base$ext"); $asset_thumb->file_ext($ext); $asset_thumb->image_width($w); $asset_thumb->image_height($h); $asset_thumb->created_by( $app->user->id ); $asset_thumb->label( $app->translate( "Thumbnail image for [_1]", $asset->label || $asset->file_name ) ); $asset_thumb->parent( $asset->id ); } else { $original = $asset_thumb->clone; } # force these to calculate now, giving a full URL / file path # for callbacks $thumbnail = $asset_thumb->file_path; my $thumbnail_url = $asset_thumb->url; my $thumb_file_size = $fmgr->file_size($thumbnail); $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_pre_save.asset', $app, $asset_thumb, $original ) || return $app->errtrans( "Saving [_1] failed: [_2]", 'asset', $app->errstr ); $asset_thumb->save unless $asset_thumb->id; $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_post_save.asset', $app, $asset_thumb, $original ); $param->{thumb_asset_id} = $asset_thumb->id; $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_upload_file.' . $asset_thumb->class, File => $thumbnail, file => $thumbnail, Url => $thumbnail_url, url => $thumbnail_url, Size => $thumb_file_size, size => $thumb_file_size, Asset => $asset_thumb, asset => $asset_thumb, Type => 'thumbnail', type => 'thumbnail', Blog => $blog, blog => $blog ); $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_upload_image', File => $thumbnail, file => $thumbnail, Url => $thumbnail_url, url => $thumbnail_url, Asset => $asset_thumb, asset => $asset_thumb, Width => $w, width => $w, Height => $h, height => $h, ImageType => $image_type, image_type => $image_type, Size => $thumb_file_size, size => $thumb_file_size, Type => 'thumbnail', type => 'thumbnail', Blog => $blog, blog => $blog ); } if ( $param->{popup} ) { require MT::Template; if (my $tmpl = MT::Template->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, type => 'popup_image' } ) ) { ( my $rel_path = $param->{fname} ) =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!; if ( $rel_path =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|! ) { return $app->error( $app->translate( "Invalid basename '[_1]'", $rel_path ) ); } $rel_path .= '-' . $asset->id; my $ext = $blog->file_extension || ''; $ext = '.' . $ext if $ext ne ''; require MT::Template::Context; my $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash( 'blog', $blog ); $ctx->stash( 'blog_id', $blog->id ); $ctx->stash( 'asset', $asset ); $ctx->stash( 'image_url', $url ); $ctx->stash( 'image_width', $width ); $ctx->stash( 'image_height', $height ); my $popup = $tmpl->build($ctx) or die $tmpl->errstr; my $root_path = $asset->_make_cache_path; my $pseudo_path = $asset->_make_cache_path( undef, 1 ); my $abs_file_path = File::Spec->catfile( $root_path, $rel_path . $ext ); my ( $i, $rel_path_ext ) = ( 0, $rel_path . $ext ); my $pseudo_url = File::Spec->catfile( $pseudo_path, MT::Util::encode_url($rel_path_ext) ); $pseudo_path = File::Spec->catfile( $pseudo_path, $rel_path_ext ); my ( $vol, $dirs, $basename ) = File::Spec->splitpath($rel_path_ext); ## Untaint. We have checked for security holes above, so we ## should be safe. ($abs_file_path) = $abs_file_path =~ /(.+)/s; $fmgr->put_data( $popup, $abs_file_path, 'upload' ) or return $app->error( $app->translate( "Error writing to '[_1]': [_2]", $abs_file_path, $fmgr->errstr ) ); my $html_pkg = MT::Asset->handler_for_file($abs_file_path); my $original; my $asset_html = $html_pkg->load( { file_name => "$basename", parent => $asset->id } ); if ( !$asset_html ) { $asset_html = new $html_pkg; $original = $asset_html->clone; $asset_html->blog_id($blog_id); $pseudo_url =~ s!\\!/!g; $asset_html->url($pseudo_url); $asset_html->label( $app->translate( "Popup page for [_1]", $asset->label || $asset->file_name ) ); $asset_html->file_path($pseudo_path); $asset_html->file_name($basename); $asset_html->file_ext( $blog->file_extension ); $asset_html->created_by( $app->user->id ); $asset_html->parent( $asset->id ); } else { $original = $asset_html->clone; } # Select back the real URL for callbacks $url = $asset_html->url; $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_pre_save.asset', $app, $asset_html, $original ) || return $app->errtrans( "Saving [_1] failed: [_2]", 'asset', $app->errstr ); $asset_html->save unless $asset_html->id; $param->{popup_asset_id} = $asset_html->id; $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_post_save.asset', $app, $asset_html, $original ); $app->run_callbacks( 'cms_upload_file.' . $asset_html->class, File => $abs_file_path, file => $abs_file_path, Url => $url, url => $url, Asset => $asset_html, asset => $asset_html, Size => length($popup), size => length($popup), Type => 'popup', type => 'popup', Blog => $blog, blog => $blog ); } } 1; } sub edit_template_param { my $asset = shift; my ( $cb, $app, $param, $tmpl ) = @_; $param->{image_height} = $asset->image_height; $param->{image_width} = $asset->image_width; } sub normalize_orientation { my $obj = shift; require Image::ExifTool; my $exif_tool = new Image::ExifTool; my $file_path = $obj->file_path; my $fmgr = $obj->blog ? $obj->blog->file_mgr : MT::FileMgr->new('Local'); my $img_data = $fmgr->get_data( $file_path, 'upload' ); $exif_tool->ExtractInfo( \$img_data ); my $o = $exif_tool->GetInfo('Orientation')->{'Orientation'}; if ( $o && ( $o ne 'Horizontal (normal)' && $o !~ /^Unknown/i ) ) { # Preserve metadata. my $new_exif; my $has_metadata = $obj->has_metadata; if ($has_metadata) { $new_exif = Image::ExifTool->new; $new_exif->SetNewValuesFromFile($file_path); } my $img = MT::Image->new( Data => $img_data, Type => $obj->file_ext ); my ( $blob, $width, $height ) = do { if ( $o eq 'Mirror horizontal' ) { $img->flipVertical(); } elsif ( $o eq 'Rotate 180' ) { $img->rotate( Degrees => 180 ); } elsif ( $o eq 'Mirror vertical' ) { $img->flipHorizontal(); } elsif ( $o eq 'Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW' ) { $img->flipVertical(); $img->rotate( Degrees => 270 ); } elsif ( $o eq 'Rotate 90 CW' ) { $img->rotate( Degrees => 90 ); } elsif ( $o eq 'Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW' ) { $img->flipVertical(); $img->rotate( Degrees => 90 ); } elsif ( $o eq 'Rotate 270 CW' ) { $img->rotate( Degrees => 270 ); } }; $fmgr->put_data( $blob, $file_path, 'upload' ); # Update and write metadata. if ($has_metadata) { $new_exif->SetNewValue('Orientation'); $new_exif->SetNewValue('Thumbnail*'); if (exists $exif_tool->GetInfo('ExifImageWidth')->{ExifImageWidth} ) { $new_exif->SetNewValue( 'ExifImageWidth' => $width ); } if (exists $exif_tool->GetInfo('ExifImageHeight') ->{ExifImageHeight} ) { $new_exif->SetNewValue( 'ExifImageHeight' => $height ); } $new_exif->WriteInfo($file_path); # Do not check error. } $obj->image_width($width); $obj->image_height($height); } 1; } sub scale { my ( $asset, $width, $height ) = @_; if ( !$width || !$height ) { return $asset->trans_error( 'Scaling image failed: Invalid parameter.'); } $asset->_transform( sub { $_[0]->scale( Width => $width, Height => $height ) } ); } sub crop_rectangle { my ( $asset, $left, $top, $width, $height ) = @_; if ( !$width || !$height ) { return $asset->trans_error( 'Cropping image failed: Invalid parameter.'); } $top = 0 unless defined $top; $left = 0 unless defined $left; $asset->_transform( sub { $_[0]->crop_rectangle( Width => $width, Height => $height, X => $left, Y => $top ); } ); } sub rotate { my ( $asset, $angle ) = @_; if ( !$angle ) { return $asset->trans_error( 'Rotating image failed: Invalid parameter.'); } # Normalize angle, # because NetPBM driver cannot use negative angle. $angle %= 360; $asset->_transform( sub { $_[0]->rotate( Degrees => $angle ) } ); } sub flip_horizontal { my ($asset) = @_; $asset->_transform( sub { $_[0]->flipHorizontal } ); } sub flip_vertical { my ($asset) = @_; $asset->_transform( sub { $_[0]->flipVertical } ); } sub _transform { my ( $asset, $process ) = @_; require Image::ExifTool; require MT::FileMgr; require MT::Image; my $file_path = $asset->file_path; my $fmgr = $asset->blog ? $asset->blog->file_mgr : MT::FileMgr->new('Local'); my $img_data = $fmgr->get_data( $file_path, 'upload' ); my $img = MT::Image->new( Data => $img_data, Type => $asset->file_ext ); # Preserve metadata. my ( $exif, $next_exif ); my $update_metadata = lc( $asset->file_ext ) =~ /^(jpe?g|tiff?)$/ && $asset->has_metadata && !$asset->is_metadata_broken; if ($update_metadata) { $exif = $asset->exif; $next_exif = Image::ExifTool->new; $next_exif->SetNewValuesFromFile($file_path); $next_exif->SetNewValue('Thumbnail*'); } my ( $blob, $width, $height ) = $process->($img); $fmgr->put_data( $blob, $file_path, 'upload' ) or return $asset->error( $fmgr->errstr ); if ($update_metadata) { # Update Exif. if ( exists $exif->GetInfo('ExifImageWidth')->{ExifImageWidth} ) { $next_exif->SetNewValue( 'ExifImageWidth' => $width ); } if ( exists $exif->GetInfo('ExifImageHeight')->{ExifImageHeight} ) { $next_exif->SetNewValue( 'ExifImageHeight' => $height ); } # Restore metadata. $next_exif->WriteInfo($file_path) or return $asset->trans_error( 'Writing metadata failed: [_1]', $next_exif->GetValue('Error') ); } $asset->image_width($width); $asset->image_height($height); # Update modified_on. my $app = MT->app; my $user = $app->can('user') && $app->user && $app->user->id ? $app->user : undef; $asset->modified_by( $user->id ) if $user; $asset->save or return; 1; } sub change_quality { my ( $asset, $quality ) = @_; my $type = lc $asset->file_ext; if ( $type ne 'jpg' && $type ne 'jpeg' && $type ne 'png' ) { return 1; } # Preserve metadata. ImageDriver other than ImageMagick removes metadata. my $new_exif; my $update_metadata = lc( $asset->file_ext ) =~ /^jpe?g$/ && $asset->has_metadata && !$asset->is_metadata_broken; if ($update_metadata) { require Image::ExifTool; $new_exif = Image::ExifTool->new; $new_exif->SetNewValuesFromFile( $asset->file_path ); } require MT::Image; my $img = MT::Image->new( Filename => $asset->file_path ) or return $asset->error( MT::Image->errstr ); my $blob = $img->blob($quality) or return $asset->error( $img->errstr ); my $fmgr; if ( $asset->blog ) { $fmgr = $asset->blog->file_mgr; } else { require MT::FileMgr; $fmgr = MT::FileMgr->new('Local'); } $fmgr->put_data( $blob, $asset->file_path, 'upload' ) or return $asset->trans_error( "Error writing to '[_1]': [_2]", $asset->file_path, $fmgr->errstr ); # Restore metadata. if ($update_metadata) { $new_exif->WriteInfo( $asset->file_path ) or return $asset->trans_error( "Error writing metadata to '[_1]': [_2]", $asset->file_path, $new_exif->GetValue('Error') ); } 1; } sub transform { my ( $asset, @actions ) = @_; for my $action (@actions) { if ( my $crop = $action->{crop} ) { $asset->crop_rectangle( $crop->{left}, $crop->{top}, $crop->{width}, $crop->{height} ) or return; } elsif ( my $flip = $action->{flip} ) { if ( $flip eq 'horizontal' ) { $asset->flip_horizontal or return; } elsif ( $flip eq 'vertical' ) { $asset->flip_vertical or return; } } elsif ( my $resize = $action->{resize} ) { $asset->scale( $resize->{width}, $resize->{height} ) or return; } elsif ( my $rotate = $action->{rotate} ) { $asset->rotate($rotate) or return; } } 1; } sub exif { my ($asset) = @_; require Image::ExifTool; my $exif = Image::ExifTool->new; $exif->ExtractInfo( $asset->file_path ) or return $asset->trans_error( 'Extracting image metadata failed: [_1]', $exif->GetValue('Error') ); return $exif; } sub has_gps_metadata { my ($asset) = @_; return 0 if lc( $asset->file_ext ) !~ /^(jpe?g|tiff?)$/; my $exif = $asset->exif or return; $exif->Options( Group1 => 'GPS' ); return ( $exif->GetTagList || $asset->exif->GetValue('GPSDateTime') ) ? 1 : 0; } sub has_metadata { my ($asset) = @_; return 0 if lc( $asset->file_ext ) !~ /^(jpe?g|tiff?)$/; require Image::ExifTool; my $exif = $asset->exif or return; my $is_jpeg = lc( $asset->file_ext ) =~ /^jpe?g$/; my $is_tiff = lc( $asset->file_ext ) =~ /^tiff?$/; for my $g ( $exif->GetGroups ) { next if $g eq 'ExifTool' || $g eq 'File' || ( $is_jpeg && $g eq 'JFIF' ) || ( $is_tiff && $g eq 'EXIF' ); my @writable_tags = Image::ExifTool::GetWritableTags($g) or next; $exif->Options( Group => $g ); $exif->ExtractInfo( $asset->file_path ); for my $t ( sort $exif->GetTagList ) { if ( grep { $t eq $_ } @writable_tags ) { return 1; } } } return 0; } sub remove_gps_metadata { my ($asset) = @_; return 1 if lc( $asset->file_ext ) !~ /^(jpe?g|tiff?)$/; return 1 if $asset->is_metadata_broken; require Image::ExifTool; my $exif = Image::ExifTool->new; $exif->SetNewValuesFromFile( $asset->file_path ); $exif->SetNewValue('GPS:*'); $exif->SetNewValue('GPSDateTime'); $exif->WriteInfo( $asset->file_path ) or return $asset->trans_error( 'Writing image metadata failed: [_1]', $exif->GetValue('Error') ); $asset->image_metadata( $asset->exif->GetInfo ); $asset->save or return; 1; } sub remove_all_metadata { my ($asset) = @_; return 1 if lc( $asset->file_ext ) !~ /^(jpe?g|tiff?)$/; return 1 if $asset->is_metadata_broken; my $exif = $asset->exif or return; $exif->SetNewValue('*'); $exif->SetNewValue( 'JFIF:*', undef, Replace => 2 ) if lc( $asset->file_ext =~ /^jpe?g$/ ); $exif->WriteInfo( $asset->file_path ) or return $asset->trans_error( 'Writing image metadata failed: [_1]', $exif->GetValue('Error') ); $asset->image_metadata(undef); $asset->save or return; 1; } sub is_metadata_broken { my ($asset) = @_; if ( my $exif = $asset->exif ) { return ( $exif->GetValue('Error') || $exif->GetValue('Warning') ) ? 1 : 0; } else { return 0; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::Asset::Image =head1 SYNOPSIS use MT::Asset::Image; # Example =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =head2 MT::Asset::Image->class Returns 'image', the identifier for this particular class of asset. =head2 MT::Asset::Image->class_label Returns the localized descriptive name for this type of asset. =head2 MT::Asset::Image->extensions Returns an arrayref of file extensions that are supported by this package. =head2 $asset->metadata Returns a hashref of metadata values for this asset. =head2 $asset->thumbnail_file(%param) Creates or retrieves the file path to a thumbnail image appropriate for the asset. If a thumbnail cannot be created, this routine will return undef. =head2 $asset->as_html Return the HTML I<IMG> element with the image asset attributes. =head2 $asset->normalize_orientation Normalize orientation if an image has a "Orientation" in Exif information. =head2 $asset->scale($width, $height) Resize an image to $width x $height size. Do nothing if $width or $height is zero or undefined. If you want to keep the ratio, you need to calculate yourself. This method does not have ratio option. =head2 $asset->crop_rectangle($left, $top, $width, $height) Crop an image by arguments. Do nothing if $width or $height is zero or undefined. $left and $top are set zero when they are undefined. =head2 $asset->rotate($angle) Rotate an image by $angle. Do nothing if $angle is zero or undefined. =head2 $asset->flip_horizontal Flip an image horizontally. =head2 $asset->flip_vertical Flip an image vertically. =head2 $asset->transform(@actions) Transform an image. =head2 $asset->exif() Return Image::ExifTool instance. Metadata is read from file each time exif method is called. =head2 $asset->has_gps_metadata() Return 1 when the image has GPS metadata. =head2 $asset->has_metadata() Return 1 when the image has metadata. =head2 $asset->remove_gps_metadata() Remove all GPS metadata from the image. Do nothing when $asset's metadata is broken. =head2 $asset->remove_all_metadata() Remove all metadata from the image. Do nothing when $asset's metadata is broken. =head2 $asset->change_quality([$quality]) Change the quality of the file of $asset only when $asset is JPEG or PNG. When $quality is not set, config directive "ImageQualityJpeg" or "ImageQualityPng" is used. =head2 $asset->is_metadata_broken() Return 1 when $asset's metadata seems to be broken. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the L<MT/"AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT"> for author, copyright, and license information. =cut
STEP2 カスタマイズ内容を記述
my $wrap_style = ''; if ( $param->{wrap_text} && $param->{align} ) { $wrap_style = 'class="mt-image-' . $param->{align} . '" '; if ( $param->{align} eq 'none' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style=""}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'left' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0;"}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'right' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="float: right; margin: 0 0 20px 20px;"}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'center' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;"}; } }
my $wrap_style = ''; if ( $param->{wrap_text} && $param->{align} ) { ##画像の挿入時出力コード class="mt-image-none"や"mt-image-left"などが挿入されるようになっている ##[class="mt-image-' . $param->{align} . '"]部分にクラス名を追加したり、mt-image-noneやmt-image-leftのクラス名が不要であれば左記の[]内を削除してしまえばよい。 $wrap_style = 'class="mt-image-' . $param->{align} . '" '; ##配置[なし]を選択した時のstyleの記述 [q{style=""}]のstyle=""でstyle内に何も記述がないのでブラウザ上では何もスタイル処理されない if ( $param->{align} eq 'none' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style=""}; } elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'left' ) { ##配置[左]を選択した時のstyleの記述 $wrap_style .= q{style="float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0;"}; } ##配置[右]を選択した時のstyleの記述 elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'right' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="float: right; margin: 0 0 20px 20px;"}; } ##配置[中央]を選択した時のstyleの記述 elsif ( $param->{align} eq 'center' ) { $wrap_style .= q{style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;"}; } }